Category: Music

Memotone, SoundClouder Of the Day.

This is the newest instalment for an EP I am releasing on Black Acre early next year.
Please enjoy:
Clockwork Horse by memotone

A selection of tracks from my August 2010 release with A Future Without Please enjoy the listen and share the link (
2 Free downloads (Friend/Amble) but if you feel you just must own the whole album 😉 just click on the buy tab at the top of this page, or search for it on any good music download retailer.


Friend Album Selection by memotone

I was thinking of this for the B-side of my next EP. But now I am not so sure. Have a listen and let me know what you think.
Reanimate by memotone

Possible B-Side?

Field recordings from the Autumnal countryside around my house mixed with Acoustic piano and Clarinet, stereo recorded on a Zoom H4, driven along by syncopated live MPC beats and 3 keys on my synth.
Ochre Against Blue by memotone

New piece. Ochre Against Blue

This Is The Room by memotone
A piece displaying a mix of some of my favorite styles to produce and perform in. A little journey through my brain as it is now (10/11/2010)
With vocal apperance from Chris Yates.

New Track: This Is The Room

For Anybody Who’s Birthday It Might Be.

Happy Birthday by memotone

Happy Birthday To You

william yates


The second of a slowly growing collection.


Piano Phrase TWO

Clips of video taken from my last live set performed along side Will Plowman at the Cube Cinema in Bristol supporting a band called ‘LUND’. see more from Lund and Will Plowman here:
Just a taste of how the evening went.
Please enjoy.